Thursday, May 5, 2011

The week from...well, you know

A bad week in any family can feel like an eternity. It can ruin your mood and make you feel like it will never end. When you are blending a family of eight it not only ruins your mood it makes you wonder how you can go on at all.

 Last week started off like any other. Way too packed, but a realistic week of mine. Brandon and I have been in conflict with one of our kids' other parents. For the sake of the blog we will call her M. It will have to be another blog that explains the argument but lets just say it isn't a fun argument to be having. In the middle of dealing with her, Mason came down with the flu. It's really hard to have a sick kid in a home and even harder when you have five healthy kids that don't slow down just because one is under the weather.  In between bouts of cleaning up after my little one I was trying to disinfect the house so that no one else gets sick. The only thing worse than having a sick kid is having six sick kids! So, I have angry phone calls and home drop ins going on. I'm following my preschooler around the house with a bucket and a handful of towels. What else could go wrong? I know! My washing machine could break down! Now, if I lived by myself this would be no big deal. Just go out and wash my clothes at a laundromat, but in a family of eight this is dentramental. I usually run about six loads of laundry a day so every day that I go without a washing machine is twice the amount of laundry the next day.

In the middle of all of the chaos in my home, we went for a drive. And of course, our suv broke down. When this happened I had three of the kids with me, our family dog, and thankfully Brandon. Had it not been for him I would have lost it completely. This was my worst nightmare. Being stuck on a freeway with children and no phone. We decided to get out and walk to the nearest super market to call my Mom and have her come pick us up. After having the truck towed back to our house and having it looked at we found out the engine was dead. Again, if it had just been me it would've been no big deal. I have another car. But it's just that, a car. Where was I going to put eight people in a car that only holds five safely?

 It's now Thursday of the next week. I have a brand new washer and dryer in my laundry room and a new truck in the driveway. Crisis averted except while all of this was going on I managed to catch the flu. Just my luck.....

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