Monday, May 9, 2011

I was too tired to think...

There are a million awesome reasons to raise a huge family. You always have someone to talk to even if the extent of the conversation goes to Spongebob. You are never allowed to sit down for more than five minutes, which means getting in shape (even to write this blog every morning I get up and walk away from the computer at least three times!). You also learn how to multi-task like no other. Ever tried to talk on the phone, while making lunch, while fixing a boo boo on someone's knee? Ever done it with four kids at the same time? It really does have perks. I get 6 hugs and kisses at night. I get to help 4 of the kids with homework every day, which I love doing! Sometimes though when taking care of this many people I forget the most important person in this group...myself.

With the crazy past few weeks I've had, I have been leaving myself out. The other day without warning, I broke down into tears. I felt exhausted and overwhelmed. Sounds a little weird, but spending my whole day caring for other people started bogging me down. I went to see my doctor to make sure I just wasn't catching the flu my kids had. When talking to him I realized that I had not had a good night's sleep in almost two weeks and I had not eating a healthy meal in about that long too. To make things worse, I know I have a gluten allergy and was not eating gluten free. I was just eating the leftovers from my kids. Worst of all I wasn't drinking any water. With a very long talk with my provider I realized that while I love my family if I'm not taking care of myself, my ability to care for them falls short. My doctor even told me a story of a little boy who's mom fed him broccolli three times a week and had a mental disability. After the mom took the boy to a food allergist they found out he was allergic to broccolli. When broccolli was removed from his diet the disability he had vanished. This is of course a very extreme case but look at what happens when you don't take care of your body?
Needless to say, I am eating gluten free again along with dairy free (apparently that is an issue for me too). I am drinking a ton of water and was given something to help me sleep for a couple of weeks to get back to where I need to be. Soon I should be out on the road running again. I used to feel so selfish doing things for myself but it turns out it isn't as selfish as I thought. It's simply what I need to make it through the day.

So, as I sit here drinking my soymilk coffee and eating my fruit and nuts for breakfast (feeling tons better!) I need to remember to start making myself a priority above all else.

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